A happier life through my Transformation Program.

My online program “Transformational Journey”, one-on-one coaching and retreats, support you in breaking free from the cycle of a dysfunction.

Transform ancestral patterns & generational trauma’s

Are you surrounded bij conflict and judgement when it comes to your family?
Do you recognise dysfunctional behaviour in yourself and do you want to change this?

Great chance that you are a Cycle Breaker!

Hi I’m Gina,

“Well, hello there! I’m Cycle Breaker 9.0, a healer extraordinaire. I’m like your cool and fun-loving mama (sorry, real mom!). But seriously, I’m here to help you break free from your dysfunctional family cycle and find your groove. Trust me, I’ve got this. So, grab some popcorn and let’s get started on this wild ride of letting go, healing and transformation!”

By the way this why my dear internet nieces and nephews call me their:  Transformational Auntie.

You are in the Right Place. Are you ready to do the work? I am. You are in the Right Place. Are you ready to do the work. I am? You are in the Right Place. Are you ready to do the work? I am.

What I am passionate about

“My own transformative journey as a cycle breaker, has shown me the power of transformation through healing my past, by living in the present and through manifesting my future.

That’s why I offer an online Transformational Journey, one on one coaching and holistic retreats with a variety of healing techniques so you can start your own healing. Let’s work together to creatie positive change and live the life and get you the inner peace and generational healing you deserve.”


My online programs are transformational journeys in the comfort of your own home. They support you in regaining clarity and rediscovering your inner strength and inner wisdom. You will learn to trust your authentic gifts and honor your sacred truth.


If you love to be pampered during your transformation and healing journey, this amazing holistic retreat is for you. Seven days of emotional -, mental -, fysical -, spiritual – , cultural healing to transform your bloodlines for the generations to come.


If you love to be pampered during your transformation and healing journey, this amazing holistic retreat is for you. Seven days of emotional -, mental -, fysical -, spiritual – , cultural healing to transform your bloodlines for the generations to come.

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